Local Animators

Local Animators will be responsible for promoting expertise within the project. Twenty Animators were selected in the recruitment process, who will now operate in 30 districts in voivodships which joined the project.

Their task is to directly reach the inhabitants of the given districts and share their knowledge on biodiversity of farmlands and the idea and presentation of ways to preserve it. The Animator will use available educational materials issued for the project, and also will be responsible for direct contacts with the audience by organizing presentation, workshops and talks. 

Animators will:

1. Organize 1 meeting with district teachers to promote the package; 

2. Teach 40 lessons promoting the package in at least 10 district schools; 

3. Organize 4 open film shows for the local community in local community centres, libraries, schools, etc. 

4. Participate in at least 4 outdoor events such as district fair, harvest festivities, etc. by preparing a stand with project related materials;

5. Organize 2 original events to promote the topic of the project (e.g. a nature trip, field games, bike trips);

6. Liaise with local media.

A nature photo exhibition

A nature photo exhibition was prepared to accompany the project. It consists of 20 horizontal boards sized 75x85 cm.  The first board provides information about the project. The remaining 19 boards show pictures with beautiful farmland wildlife with short descriptions added.


The exhibition will be presented in at least 9 locations in voivodships where the project is realized (Mazovia, Warmia-Masuria, Podlaskie, Świętokrzyskie, Lubelskie) in such venues as the seat of landscape parks, local authorities facilities, consultation centres for agriculture.


All institutions who wish to be involved in the promotion of the project and open their facilities for the exhibition, please contact the project coordinator.


November 20 till December 4, 2014

    University of Warsaw Biological and Chemical Research Centre (completed)

 December 4 till December 31, 2014

Mazowiecki Ośrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego in Warsaw  (completed)

January 1 till February 28, 2015

Muzeum im. Jacka Malczewskiego in Radom  (completed)

March 6 till June 9, 2015

Muzeum Przyrody in Olsztyn (completed)

June 10 till August 21, 2015

Dwór Pentowo in Tykocin (completed)

August 21 till September 2, 2015

Zespół Parków Krajobrazowych Pojezierza Iławskiego i Wzgórz Dylewskich  in Jerzwałd

September 3 till September 15, 2015

Eko - Marina. Zalew (completed)

September 16 till September 30, 2015

Biblioteka Publiczna in Iława (open)

January 1 till February 28, 2016

 Muzeum Przyrody in Drozdowo (planned)


The educational film "Fields Stirring with life"

The educational film "Fields Stirring with life" addressed at farmland dwellers: students, farmers, but also - everyone living in Poland who wish to learn about the valuable natural life in Polish farmlands.

The main goal of the film is to show the beauty and wealth of the Polish farmland nature, as well as eco-friendly agriculture - ways of cultivation that will allow to preserve the valuable nature. 


To see the film in the Polish version please go to:


scripted and directed by
Robert Dróżdż
Robert Dróżdż
Wojciech Kuchta
cut, sound design, colour grading
Wojciech Kuchta
Robert Letkiewicz
translation by:
Justyna Kubacka
Krystyna Czubówna (Polish version)
Michał Kubicki (English version)
concept and the idea for the film:
Aleksandra Wierzbicka
cover photo:
Grzegorz Leśniewski
Run time: 26 min.

Published by:
Towarzystwo Przyrodnicze „Bocian“ 2015